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People at Community Meeting
No Smoking Sign at Playground
Poverty Brainstorming Sign

Goal of the Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria


To improve the health and well-being of everyone who lives, works and plays in Alexandria. This goal is achieved by facilitating and supporting community action to address Alexandria’s Community Health Improvement Plan’s priorities.

Who We Are


The Partnership is a community-led coalition that works to advance, promote and encourage healthy activities and actions by everyone who lives, works and plays in Alexandria.  It was founded in the belief that to address priority health areas, we must come together as a community -- bringing a unique blend of talents, experience, perspectives and passion to identify action-oriented, evidence-based solutions. The Partnership was created in 2006 as a result of the first ever City of Alexandria Community Health Assessment. 


The Partnership is led by a steering committee dedicated to improving health outcomes among Alexandrians. The committee serves as the governing board for the Partnership. The Committee is comprised of representatives from businesses, nonprofits, community coalitions, City boards and commissions, health care clinics and organizations, Alexandria Health Department, Alexandria Department of Community and Human Services, foundations, and passionate residents looking to make a difference.


The Steering Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you are interested in attending a Steering Committee meeting, please contact Allen Lomax at for the venue /location and any last minute changes in schedule.

Making An Impact


Through collaborations with community organizations and Alexandria residents the Partnership for a Healthier Alexandria helped to:


  • Increase Alexandrians’ awareness of mental health issues and resources through co-sponsored community meetings and conversations.


  • Assess the state of hunger and food insecurity in Alexandria and issue a report on the assessment titled, "Toward an End to Hunger in Alexandria."


  • Create Hunger Free Alexandria, a broad coalition of organizations working together to address ending hunger in a comprehensive manner.


  • Secure funding from the City Council to establish a food center in Alexandria.


  • Change vending machine offerings in City buildings ensuring only healthy foods options are provided.


  • Encourage the City of Alexandria government to place "Thank you for not smoking" signs in all Alexandria parks, playgrounds and bus shelters.




Allen Lomax, Chair, Community Member

Jim Scott, Vice Chair, President, Applied Policy

Joanne Broderick, Alexandria Commission on Aging Representative

Marion Brunken, Executive Director, Volunteer Alexandria

Deron Campbell, Director, Community Relations, Population and Community Health Services, Inova Health System

Jane Collins, Executive Director, Heard

Jim Durham, Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Representative

Jim Epstein, Board of Trustees, Frank and Betty Wright Foundation

Jeanine Finch, Director, Government Affairs, CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield

Laurie Flynn, Community Member, Former Executive Director, NAMI

Karen Seaver Hill, Community Member and Health Expert

Elwood Jones, Lead Pastor, Landmark Church of Alexandria

Diana Karczmarczyk, Ph.D, Public Health Educator, Author

Dr. Basim Khan, Executive Director, Neighborhood Health

Patrick Killeen, Community Member

Jane Knops, Director, Community Partnerships and Communications, Neighborhood Health

Rachel Lynch, Program Director, Northern Virginia Health Foundation

JeanAnn Mayhan, Principal, Mayhan Associates – Researchers for HealthCare, Alexandria Medical Reserve Corps

Helen Morris, Chair, Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy

Col. Jim Paige (Retired), Executive Director, Concerned Citizens Network of Alexandria

Melissa Poretz Riddy, Director, Eastern Region, Government and Community Relations, Inova Alexandria Hospital

John Porter, Educator, Former President and CEO of ACT for Alexandria

Stacey Swartz, Co-Owner and Pharmacist in Charge, The Neighborhood Pharmacy of Del Ray

Aisha Salzar, Associate Extension Agent, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech


Ex-Officio Members


Kate Garvey, Director, Alexandria Department of Community and Human Services

Natalie Talis, Population Health Manager, Alexandria Health Department

Nathaniel Lewis, Public Health Planner, Alexandria Health Department

Lina Zimmerman, Population Health Epidemiologist, Alexandria Health Department

Carrie Cannon, Northern Virginia Regional Tobacco Control Coordinator, Fairfax County Health Department

Chelsea Eickert, Coordinator, Alexandria Children and Youth Community Plan, Alexandria Department of

Community and Human Services

Lisette Torres, Coordinator, Alexandria Campaign on Adolescent Pregnancy

Kara Blanker, Philanthropic Advisor, Frank and Betty Wright Foundation


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